2018 Spring
UGIS 192B 025 - TUT 025
Supervised Research: Social Sciences
Anne Ge Collins
Jan 16, 2018 - May 04, 2018
12:00 am
Class #:10360
Units: 1to4
Offered through
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats
Hours & Workload
0 hours of outside work hours per week, and 3 to 12 hours of supplementary (or remedial) individualized instruction per week.
Other classes by Anne Ge Collins
Course Catalog Description
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP). Directed individual research on topics connected to faculty scholarship.
Rules & Requirements
Credit Restrictions
Students may enroll in only one section of 192 per semester.
Repeat Rules
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
No Reserved Seats
Textbooks & Materials
Textbook information is not available for Spring 2018.
Associated Sections