EDUC 271B (2002-08-20 - 2022-08-17)


3 Units

Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods

Offered through Education
About this Course
Catalog Course Description

Introduces principles and methods commonly associated with qualitative field research in the social sciences. Includes assigned readings on basic methodological topics; structured activities related to research design, research ethics and human subjects protection, data collection, data organization and reduction, data analysis; and field research experience through individual or team projects. Course satisfies the qualitative methods requirement for students in the Policy, Organization, Measurement, and Evaluation (POME) program.

Classes Offered
Hours & Workload
Fall Term

6 hours of Outside Work Hours per week and 3 hours of Instructor presentation of course materials per week.

Spring Term

6 hours of Outside Work Hours per week and 3 hours of Instructor presentation of course materials per week.

