2023 Spring ARCH 139 001 LEC 001

Spring 2023

ARCH 139 001 - LEC 001

Special Topics in Architectural Design Theory and Criticism

Spaces of Queer Theory

C Greig Crysler

Jan 17, 2023 - May 05, 2023
09:30 am - 12:29 pm
Class #:29849
Units: 4

Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction

Offered through Architecture

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 2
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 8
Waitlist Max: 5
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

1 to 4 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 2 to 8 hours of outside work hours per week.

Final Exam

07:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Wurster 170

Other classes by C Greig Crysler

Course Catalog Description

Topics cover contemporary and historical issues in architectural design theory and criticism. For current offerings, see department website.

Class Description

This seminar examines the relationship between space, power and identity through recent arguments around queer theory and the politics of cultural difference. Over the last two decades queer theory has undergone a series of shifts and transformations, as challenges to heteronormativity and the social production of gendered and sexed identities have been enriched by intersecting considerations of class, race, religion, nationhood, ecology and economy, amongst others. This seminar will provide a cross-disciplinary introduction to these debates, while also considering the urban and architectural contexts in which queer identities are produced, lived and transformed. Readings and discussions are organized around a sequence of thematic sections, each two weeks in length.

Rules & Requirements

Repeat Rules

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.

Textbook Lookup

Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials


Associated Sections
