2020 Spring COLWRIT R1A 013 LEC 013

Spring 2020

COLWRIT R1A 013 - LEC 013

Accelerated Reading and Composition

Patricia Steenland

Jan 21, 2020 - May 08, 2020
Tu, Th
12:30 pm - 03:29 pm
Class #:19359
Units: 6

Offered through College Writing Programs

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 0
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

12 hours of outside work hours per week, and 6 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week.

Other classes by Patricia Steenland

Course Catalog Description

An intensive, accelerated course satisfying concurrently the requirements of the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement and the first half of Reading and Composition. Readings will include imaginative, expository and argumentative texts representative of the range of those encountered in the undergraduate curriculum and will feature authors from diverse social and cultural backgrounds and perspectives. Instruction in writing a range of discourse forms and in the revision of papers.

Rules & Requirements


  • Placement by UC Analytical Writing Placement Exam.

Repeat Rules

Course is not repeatable for credit.

Requirements class fulfills

Entry Level Writing Requirement
First half of the Reading and Composition Requirement

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

Associated Sections
