Spring 2025
COMPSCI 294 179 - LEC 179
Special Topics
Christian H Borgs
Class #:34286
Units: 3
Instruction Mode:
In-Person Instruction
Time Conflict Enrollment Allowed
Offered through
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 25
Waitlist Max: 10
No Reserved Seats
Hours & Workload
1 to 3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 2 to 11 hours of outside work hours per week.
Course Catalog Description
Topics will vary from semester to semester. See Computer Science Division announcements.
Class Description
Networks play a central role in our social and economic lives. They affect our well-being by influencing the information we receive, products we choose to buy, economic opportunities we enjoy, and diseases we catch from others. How do these networks form? Which network structures are likely to emerge in society? And how does the structure of the network impact the dynamics of the spread of an innovation or infection.
This course tries to survey the mathematical results developed in the last few years on analyzing the structure of popular random networks, as well as the understanding of processes on them, with particular emphasis on epidemics. In addition it will touch on a recently very popular subject, the non-parametric modeling of a large graph via a graphon, and the related notion of graph limits.
The course is loosely based on the text book “Random Graph Dynamics” by Rick Durrett, updated to what has happened since its publication, including the topics of graphons and graph limits, plus a larger emphasis on epidemics, as well as a short introduction to the topic of the spread of information and innovation. Additional literature, including original research papers, will be provided during the course.
Tentative List of Topics
Random Graph Models and Structure of Large Networks:
Erdos-Renyi random graphs: cluster growth, formation of the giant connected component, diameter
Models with community structure: Stochastic block model and topic models
Scale-free graphs: random graphs with a fixed degree distribution, preferential attachment model and Polya urns
Non-parametric models: graphons, graph limits, estimation, differential privacy on Networks
Epidemics Models and their Behavior:
Basic compartmental models (SIS, SIR, etc.)
Differential Equation Approach: R0, exponential growth, size of an epidemic
Mathematically rigorous derivation of Differential Equations from the underlying dynamic model
Percolation and Oriented Percolation representation
Analysis of contact inhomogeneities
Algorithmic Aspects:
Managing epidemics: algorithmic questions related to parameter estimation, testing, and contact tracing
Viral spread of innovations in a social network: models of adoption of innovation, influence maximization, formation of social norms
Class Notes
* Time conflicts ARE allowed but attendance is mandatory and will be part of the assessment.
* Pre-reqs:
The course is open to graduate students with a good level of mathematical maturity and a strong background in probability (including some knowledge of Martingales, Markov Chain.. show more
* Pre-reqs:
The course is open to graduate students with a good level of mathematical maturity and a strong background in probability (including some knowledge of Martingales, Markov Chain.. show more
* Time conflicts ARE allowed but attendance is mandatory and will be part of the assessment.
* Pre-reqs:
The course is open to graduate students with a good level of mathematical maturity and a strong background in probability (including some knowledge of Martingales, Markov Chains, and basic notions of stochastic processes), as well as some basic background in graph theory and differential equations. show less
* Pre-reqs:
The course is open to graduate students with a good level of mathematical maturity and a strong background in probability (including some knowledge of Martingales, Markov Chains, and basic notions of stochastic processes), as well as some basic background in graph theory and differential equations. show less
Rules & Requirements
- Students not in the Master of Engineering Program
Repeat Rules
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
No Reserved Seats
Textbooks & Materials
See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.
Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials
Associated Sections