2023 Summer NWMEDIA 90 001 SEM 001

2023 Summer Session C 8 weeks, June 20 - August 11

NWMEDIA 90 001 - SEM 001

Introduction to New Media

Examining Sociocultural Issues through TikTok

Meg Marie Everett, Thomas Patrick McEnaney

Jun 20, 2023 - Aug 11, 2023
Tu, Th
02:00 pm - 04:59 pm
Social Sciences Building 118
Class #:15187
Units: 3

Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction

Offered through New Media Graduate Group

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 1
Enrolled: 19
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 20
Waitlist Max: 10
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

2 to 8 hours of student-instructor coverage of course materials per week, and 4 to 15 hours of outside work hours per week.

Other classes by Thomas Patrick McEnaney

Course Catalog Description

See Schedule of Classes for current section offerings. Topics introduce new media and related issues.

Class Description

TikTok has been downloaded over 2.6 billion times worldwide. Apps like TikTok shape culture while simultaneously being a product of it. Thus, it is the goal of this course to disentangle and deconstruct the multiple and overlapping relationships between the platform, markets, and governance with creators, consumers, communities, and content. We begin the course with a high-level view of platform studies and consider a variety of approaches for investigating TikTok and the ethical implications of these methodologies. Turning to TikTok’s algorithm, we will work to uncover how lines of obscure code have a very visible impact on the content we see, the information we consume, and the communities we create. We then shift to critical perspectives on identity and performance, knowledge-making and dissemination, creator visibility, and content moderation. We conclude the course with a discussion on what TikTok’s culture of remix and collaboration reveals about the politics of authorship within the new attention economy,

Rules & Requirements

Repeat Rules

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

Associated Sections
