2023 Spring ITALIAN 105 001 LEC 001

Spring 2023

ITALIAN 105 001 - LEC 001

History of Italian Culture

Diego Pirillo

Jan 17, 2023 - May 05, 2023
Tu, Th
12:30 pm - 01:59 pm
Class #:30581
Units: 4

Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction

Offered through Italian Studies

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 9
Enrolled: 6
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 15
Waitlist Max: 3
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 9 hours of outside work hours per week.

Final Exam

03:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Other classes by Diego Pirillo

Course Catalog Description

Introduction to the historical development of Italian culture from the Middle Ages to the present, with an emphasis on critical analysis of literary and visual texts in relation to the politics and societies of the Italian peninsula, and an ultimate goal of advancing student’s critical and linguistic skills.

Class Description

Course conducted in Italian. Introduction to the historical development of Italian culture from the Middle Ages to the present, with an emphasis on critical analysis of literary and visual texts in relation to the politics and societies of the Italian peninsula, and an ultimate goal of advancing students’ Italian linguistic and critical skills. A modular course co-taught by Italian Studies faculty members with different disciplinary backgrounds, Italian Studies 105 provides continuity within the diversity of approaches adopted and objects of study under examination. The city serves as the prism through which we will view cultural objects and historical moments in the history of the Italian peninsula, including the rise of city states and political theory in early modern Florence; the importance of the papacy and the flowering of the visual arts in Renaissance and Baroque Rome and Venice; the beginnings of revolution and the southern question as viewed from Naples; and the colonial period as viewed from Asmara, capital of modern Italy’s former colony (1890-1941), Eritrea.

Class Notes

Taught in Italian.

Prerequisite: Italian 101 or placement assessment.


Rules & Requirements

Repeat Rules

Requirements class fulfills

Meets Historical Studies, L&S Breadth

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.

Textbook Lookup

Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials


Associated Sections
