2023 Spring ISF 100D 001 LEC 001

Spring 2023

ISF 100D 001 - LEC 001

Introduction to Technology, Society, and Culture

Rakesh Bhandari

Jan 17, 2023 - May 05, 2023
Tu, Th
02:00 pm - 03:29 pm
Class #:30641
Units: 4

Instruction Mode: In-Person Instruction

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 4
Enrolled: 71
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 75
Waitlist Max: 5
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

3 to 4 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 9 to 8 hours of outside work hours per week.

Final Exam

11:30 am - 02:30 pm
Etcheverry 3108

Other classes by Rakesh Bhandari

Course Catalog Description

This course surveys the technological revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries, it then focuses on the development of the computer and the Internet. The final part examines the impact of the Internet on social movements.

Class Description

In this course, we shall explore how advances in AI and genetic engineering may change not only society but the very idea of what it means to be human. In interdisciplinary fashion, we shall combine stimulating pieces from the sociology of science and technology with works of the imagination, such as “Ex Machina”, “Gattaca” and episodes of “Black Mirror”.

Rules & Requirements

Repeat Rules

Course is not repeatable for credit.

Requirements class fulfills

Meets International Studies, L&S Breadth
Meets Social & Behavioral Sciences, L&S Breadth

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.

Textbook Lookup

Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials


Associated Sections
