2022 Summer Session A
6 weeks, May 23 - July 1
SCANDIN R5B 002 - LEC 002
Reading and Composition
Politics and Myth: The Continuing Legacy of Old Norse Misappropriation
Timothy Liam Waters
May 23, 2022 - Jul 01, 2022
Tu, We, Th
12:00 am
Class #:15256
Instruction Mode:
Time Conflict Enrollment Allowed
Offered through
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Enrolled: 15
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 17
Waitlist Max: 3
No Reserved Seats
Course Catalog Description
Reading and composition in connection with the representation of Scandinavia by outsiders and insiders. Satisfies the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement.
Class Description
The legacy of the medieval Scandinavian myths lives on not only through Hollywood adaptation and popular culture, but also unfortunately through appropriation by extreme political groups. From the Age of Romantic nationalism to the Capitol insurrection of 2020, the use of narrative and iconography stemming from the Scandinavian Middle-Ages has pervaded political and cultural conversations in both Europe and North America. In this course, we will familiarize ourselves not only with the original myths and legends of the Viking Age, but also explore how these narratives have been co-opted over centuries for a multitude of nefarious and well-meaning purposes. In adopting this critical lens, we shall hone our analytical writing and reading skills to interrogate all manner of historical, fictional, and political literature.
Class Notes
Asynchronous instruction.
Time conflict enrollment permitted.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the “A” portion of the Reading and Composition requirement or its equivalent. Students may not enroll in nor attend R1B/R5B courses without completing this prerequisite.
Time conflict enrollment permitted.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the “A” portion of the Reading and Composition requirement or its equivalent. Students may not enroll in nor attend R1B/R5B courses without completing this prerequisite.
Rules & Requirements
- Previously passed an R_A course with a letter grade of C- or better. Previously passed an articulated R_A course with a letter grade of C- or better. Score a 4 on the Advanced Placement Exam in English Literature. Score a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Exam in English Language and Composition. Score of 5, 6, or 7 on the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examination in English.
Repeat Rules
Course is not repeatable for credit.
Requirements class fulfills
Second half of the Reading and Composition Requirement
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
No Reserved Seats
Textbooks & Materials
Associated Sections