2022 Fall
MEDIAST H194 001 - COL 001
Honors Thesis Preparation
Meeta Rani Rani JHA
Class #:24018
Instruction Mode:
In-Person Instruction
Offered through
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Enrolled: 8
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 24
Waitlist Max: 0
Open Reserved Seats:
24 reserved for Students with Enrollment Permission
Hours & Workload
7 hours of outside work hours, and 2 hours of a seminar led by different instructors.
Other classes by Meeta Rani Rani JHA
Course Catalog Description
This course is designed to guide you through the preliminary steps and stages of writing a successful honors thesis. The course will assist you in writing appropriate research questions and research proposals as well as developing strategies for taking useful notes and summarizing relevant scholarship. We will review relevant quantitative and qualitative research methods used in Media Studies as a means of helping you identifying the most appropriate research method(s) to answer your research question(s). The course culminates in the completion of the literature review for your honors thesis. Successful completion of Media Studies H194 (or instructor permission) is a prerequisite for Media Studies H195.
Class Notes
Class Note: Media Studies H194 (fall course) and Media Studies H195 (spring course) are part of the Media Studies Honors Program. For more information, visit https://mediastudies.ugis.berkeley.edu/honors-2/. Emails regarding applying to and enrolling in Media Studies H194 will be sent to Media Studi..
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Class Note: Media Studies H194 (fall course) and Media Studies H195 (spring course) are part of the Media Studies Honors Program. For more information, visit https://mediastudies.ugis.berkeley.edu/honors-2/. Emails regarding applying to and enrolling in Media Studies H194 will be sent to Media Studies majors in July/August.
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Rules & Requirements
Repeat Rules
Course is not repeatable for credit.
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
Open Reserved Seats:
24 reserved for Students with Enrollment Permission
Textbooks & Materials
See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.
Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials
Associated Sections