2022 Fall
MEDIAST 10 001 - LEC 001
Introduction to Media Studies
Josh Jackson
Aug 24, 2022 - Dec 09, 2022
12:00 am
Class #:30979
Instruction Mode:
Offered through
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Enrolled: 300
Waitlisted: 0
Capacity: 300
Waitlist Max: 0
Open Reserved Seats:
5 reserved for Students with Enrollment Permission
Hours & Workload
3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials, 7 hours of outside work hours, and 2 hours of the exchange of opinions or questions on course material.
Final Exam
11:30 am - 02:30 pm
Other classes by Josh Jackson
Course Catalog Description
The objective of this class is to enhance students' knowledge of media's industrial and cultural functions by introducing them to key perspectives and methods of study that stress a) how media systems have and continue to develop in the United States and across the globe as well as b) how we use and make meaning with media as part of our everyday lived experiences. To consider media's social, economic, political, and cultural impact, the course will investigate a number of ways of understanding its production, form, reception, and influence, being careful to recognize how these approaches relate to each other and to a wide array of diverse case studies in television, film, recorded music, print, video games, and online.
Class Notes
Class Note: Freshmen are not eligible to be admitted to this course and may enroll only after their first two semesters at Cal. All other reserved seats will be released during Phase 2 of enrollment. For more information on the enrollment process for this course, please visit https://mediastudies.ug..
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Class Note: Freshmen are not eligible to be admitted to this course and may enroll only after their first two semesters at Cal. All other reserved seats will be released during Phase 2 of enrollment. For more information on the enrollment process for this course, please visit https://mediastudies.ugis.berkeley.edu/courses-info/.
The instruction format of this class and all related class sections has changed from in-person to online. show less
The instruction format of this class and all related class sections has changed from in-person to online. show less
Rules & Requirements
Credit Restrictions
A deficient grade may be removed by taking Media Studies 10 or Media Studies N10.
Repeat Rules
Course is not repeatable for credit.
Requirements class fulfills
Meets Social & Behavioral Sciences, L&S Breadth
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
Open Reserved Seats:
5 reserved for Students with Enrollment Permission
Textbooks & Materials
See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.
Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials