2020 Spring EDUC C260F 001 LEC 001

Spring 2020

EDUC C260F 001 - LEC 001

Machine Learning in Education

Zachary A. Pardos

Jan 21, 2020 - May 08, 2020
Tu, Th
12:30 pm - 01:59 pm
Berkeley Way West 1215
Class #:31166
Units: 3

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 0
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats
Also offered as: INFO C260F

Hours & Workload

3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 6 hours of outside work hours per week.

Other classes by Zachary A. Pardos

Course Catalog Description

This course covers computational approaches to the task of modeling learning and improving outcomes in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We will cover theories and methodologies underpinning current approaches to knowledge discovery and data mining in education and survey the latest developments in the broad field of human learning research. The course is project based; teams will be introduced to online learning platforms and their datasets with the objective of pairing data analysis with theory or implementation. Literature review will add context and grounding to projects.

Rules & Requirements

Repeat Rules

Course is not repeatable for credit.

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

Associated Sections
