2020 Fall
EALANG 105 001 - LEC 001
Dynamics of Romantic Core Values in East Asian Premodern Literature and Contemporary Film
John Wallace
Aug 26, 2020 - Dec 11, 2020
Tu, Th
09:30 am - 10:59 am
Class #:25940
Instruction Mode:
Remote Instruction
Offered through
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats
Hours & Workload
3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials, and 9 hours of outside work hours.
Other classes by John Wallace
Course Catalog Description
This course explores representation of romantic love in East Asian cultures in premodern and post-modern contexts. Students develop a better understanding of the similarities and differences in traditional values in three East Asian cultures by comparing how canonical texts of premodern China, Japan and Korea represent romantic relationship. This is followed by the study of several contemporary East Asian films, giving the student the opportunity to explore how traditional values persist, change, or become nexus points of resistance.
Rules & Requirements
Repeat Rules
Course is not repeatable for credit.
Requirements class fulfills
Meets Arts & Literature, L&S Breadth
Meets Philosophy & Values, L&S Breadth
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
No Reserved Seats
Textbooks & Materials
See class syllabus or https://calstudentstore.berkeley.edu/textbooks for the most current information.
Guide to Open, Free, & Affordable Course Materials
Associated Sections