2019 Spring HISTORY 39V 0001 SEM 0001

Spring 2019

HISTORY 39V 0001 - SEM 0001

Science, Environment and European Colonialism

Angelo Matteo Caglioti

Jan 22, 2019 - May 10, 2019
10:00 am - 11:59 am
Class #:32251

Offered through History

Current Enrollment

Total Open Seats: 0
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats

Hours & Workload

8 hours of outside work hours, and 4 hours of student-instructor coverage of course materials.

Final Exam

03:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Other classes by Angelo Matteo Caglioti

Course Catalog Description

Science and colonialism were driving forces in the making of the global and interconnected world where we live today. The history of “Western science” is deeply intertwined with Europe’s encounter with the world, as colonialism provided the laboratory for disciplines such as geography, natural history, medicine, and anthropology. The challenges and opportunities of new natural environments shaped the way Europeans explored, analyzed, and studied nature and society. The circulation of specimens, data, and scientific expertise made colonial governance possible. This course will introduce students to major themes regarding the relationship between science, colonial environments and European empires.

Rules & Requirements


  • Freshman and Sophomore Students

Repeat Rules

Course is not repeatable for credit.

Reserved Seats

Current Enrollment

No Reserved Seats

Textbooks & Materials

Associated Sections
