2017 Spring
SPANISH 162 001 - LEC 001
Spanish Morphology and Syntax
Current Enrollment
Total Open Seats:
Waitlist Max:
No Reserved Seats
Hours & Workload
3 hours of instructor presentation of course materials per week, and 6 hours of outside work hours per week.
Final Exam
11:30 am - 02:30 pm
Kroeber 238
Course Catalog Description
Taught in Spanish, this course serves to further familiarize students with the formal linguistic analysis of the structure of words, phrases, and sentences in the Spanish language. The course centers on canonical and non-canonical patterns of Spanish word formation (e.g. noun, verb, adjective, verb, etc.) and sentence composition (e.g. coordination, juxtaposition, subordination, etc.) with the goal of preparing students to conduct formal morphosyntactic analyses on various Spanish dialects, as well as on their own speech. Special emphasis will be placed on examining competing morphological and syntactic analyses for select Spanish phenomena, and differences in morphosyntactic features across Spanish dialects will also be addressed.
Rules & Requirements
Repeat Rules
Course is not repeatable for credit.
Reserved Seats
Current Enrollment
No Reserved Seats
Textbooks & Materials
Textbook information is not available for Spring 2017.
Associated Sections